You know what fish you are eating ?
Quickly discover the source area of the fish you buy at fish shop or supermarket.
Read the FAO number which is printed on the fish package and write it into the app text-box. You will be immediately informed about which area the fish is coming from or if you prefer, just swipe screen left or right to view and scroll through the areas.
A recent european directive establishes that the seafood package must be labelled to inform us about the fish name, how it was caught and where it comes.
Look for the label and read these information it is a good habit. Then find that FAO number , it will lead you to the place where the fish was caught.
World has been divided in to Major fishing areas by FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ). Neither the application, nor the author are connected or affiliate with FAO. For any further detail or any updated info, visit (Fisheries and Aquaculture Department).